jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015


The most difficult for me in this semester was the listening, because I had problems to understand. But nevertheless, the most I like is the reading in the blog, this activity I thought very interesting to better develop the new language that we are learning . I think one of the things you could do to improve my performance in the listening is practice constantly in Uchile platform. 
This is all friends :) 

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

My blogging experience

In the beginning writing in a blogger was difficult for me, later, such time that I wrote in my blog, it is was easier.

Writing in a blog help me to improve in my use to English, though still I can’t speak English as I would like it.

My favorite blog topic was about the person who I admire the most, in this occasion I spoke about Gladys Marin. I liked so much speak about her life and I posted a photograph that represented her strength and her tenderness.

When I wrote about the my favorite music, this topic it’s was very fun, because this topic it’s very interesting for my life.
n the future I want to write about my travels. I want to make a trip log that can be visited for all the people who want travel learning. And also I want to write about the books that I read and about the apprenticeships that these books leave me.

Finally, this experience turned easy thanks to my professors, who help me to correct my errors in my posts. For example I have learned many unknown verbs for me and now I can understand a conversation in English without problems. Too I want to thanks to my friends that commented my blogs, they are very nice hahaha.