jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

About me: autobiography

I´m Felipe Coronado and this is my history. I was born a Santiago, Chile into a large family.

I was born with some difficulty, for he was a very difficult birth, came with the umbilical cord wrapped around the neck, but I could cope with the love and support of my family incodicional.   

In my life , I studied in many schools as a result of my parents always wanted to give me the best education. However , there was one that marked me in a special way , I mean the Liceo Bicentenario Zapallar , once with my family we moved to the city of Curico in 2010. There, I mature and learned many things that until today remember with great integrity, tools that are not only academic , but I will for the rest of my life , beliefs and ideas that transcend and intend to carry them out . Then in 2013 I went to study Public Administration at the University of Chile, a discipline and a career that I love.

My hobbies are playing guitar, singing in the shower, watch movies, work and military in the Juventudes Comunistas de Chile, political organization that fills me with pride.

Finally, I can say I have a small but great family with which I am very happy and I know that will always be with me no matter what .

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