jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

My favourite technology

Hello friends! The last time I spoke about my new academic semester, but now I want to share with you about my favourite technology !

Thelast year i bought my notebook. Immediately, it was became my favourite piece technology because it  be used for I make to my homework, listen to music, browse ond the internet, etc.

It is made by HP, a famous German company.

I always use my notebook, every day I browse on the internet and I listen to music. Also, every day I do my homework. My life would not be the same without my notebook, my routine would be so difficult without this piece of technology. However, now it has a problem, its ventilator is broken, but I'll take it to a technical service so that they can repair it , I can not let it deteriorate so quickly.

Ok, bye !

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Felipe! a computer is always useful

  2. Computers are essential to our life in the university :) but if I don't study, I think I would use less.
